Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, recently shared his thoughts on the rapid advancements of China in artificial intelligence (AI), citing the success of the Chinese startup DeepSeek. He attributed this progress not only to technological advancements but to a deeply ingrained competitive education system that outperforms Western models in fostering excellence in math and science. His observations highlight a crucial debate: the role of education systems in shaping global technological leadership and the unintended consequences of political correctness in the classroom. It made me think and, to be honest, I cannot but agree with him. The Rise of China’s Competitive Education Model Durov points out that Chinese students have consistently outperformed others in international math and programming competitions. This success is not accidental; it stems from an education system that embraces rigorous competition, a concept borrowed from the highly efficient Soviet model. In such a system, students are encouraged… Continue Reading... "Political Correctness and the Future of Innovation"