This interview is stored here as a reference for my other writings related to it. This transcript is machine generated and I do not own any part of it. Original interview in the video below. Riz Khan: Hello and welcome. I’m Riz Khan. He’s been described as the most dangerous philosopher in the West, and he certainly doesn’t hold back any punches. But there’s no denying that Slavoj Žižek provokes deep thought and discussion with his often controversial views on everything from the state of politics and the mainstream media to the meaning of real love, and now the validity of religion through his new book with the provocative title Christian Atheism: How to Be a Real Materialist. Well, keeping an eye on the upcoming U.S. elections as well as the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas, Professor Žižek sees a world where we can only… Continue Reading... "Riz Khan Interviews Philosopher Slavoj Zizek: Transcript"
Category: Philosophy & Psychology
Personality and Genetics: Nature vs Nurture
Nature vs Nurture Have you ever heard of the TV series Mindhunter? It follows two FBI agents who track down serial killers by using innovative methods and, in doing so, create a new profession: ‘Criminal Behavioral Analysts.’ They study notorious serial killers across the US, interviewing them to understand what drives them to commit such crimes. Are they shaped by their upbringing, or is something within them responsible? This question has puzzled scientists since the beginning of psychology and philosophy. Now, genetics—a relatively new field—is also trying to answer this question, giving rise to a branch known as Behavioral Genetics, which is dedicated to exploring it. While I’m not an expert in any of these fields, I’ve been fascinated by this question for a long time. Ever since I started reading non-fiction in high school, I’ve found psychology captivating. I wanted to understand the human mind better, and, in a… Continue Reading... "Personality and Genetics: Nature vs Nurture"
Are Failures Caused by Bad Luck or Self Serving Bias?
Do you believe in Luck? Luck. A small innocent looking word. But sometimes it may change someones life entirely. Or, does it? Tennessee Williams once said, “Luck is believing you’re lucky.” To some extent I believe that too. I believe that a person makes his or her own luck. One thing needs to be clarified here. I am not referring or relating Luck with Fate anyhow. I think those two are completely different things. So, believing in Fate or Destiny is one thing, and believing in Luck is another. For example, every human being is destined to die some day. No one can change that fate. But if you live a long and healthy life with your friends and family, shall we call that being Lucky? No. If you maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle, don’t have any self-destructive addiction or habit, you are bound to live a healthy… Continue Reading... "Are Failures Caused by Bad Luck or Self Serving Bias?"